Nail Fungus (onychomycosis)

What is it?

Fungal nail infections can be found in the fingernails or more commonly in the toenails. The nail can become thickened, brittle, discolored and weak. This condition is more common with increased age.The fungus usually ends up deep down in the nail bed, which is the skin under the nail bed. Although medications can be prescribed by your GP for worsened cases the side effects of these medications can be so server that they are not recommended for mild cases.

How to treat it

There are a variety of treatments available which have anti fungal ingredients to clear the infection however laser treatments have been proven to be the most effective treatment out there to date. With all solutions once the treatment is completed you then have to wait a period of time for the nail to grow out.

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A: DermaNu Clinic. Unit 11, Swan Centre, 22 Chapel Street, Rugby, Warks, CV21 3EB.         T: 01788 569611         E: